Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Transport works recognizes its moral and legal responsibility provide a safe and healthy work environment for employee, contractors, customers and visitors. The commitment extends to ensuring that the operations of
Transport Works do not place the local community at risk or injury, illness or property damage.
Transport Works will take all reasonable action to:
provide a working environment and systems of work which are safe and without risk to health;
provide information, instruction, training and supervision to employees, contractors, clients and customers to ensure their safety and welfare;
ensure employees and their representatives are consulted about changes to work systems and procedures;
ensure compliance with legislative requirements and current industry standards; and
continually review and improve its Occupational Health and Safety Management System to eliminate or reasonably control all workplace injury and illness.
All managers are accountable for implementing this policy in their area of responsibility. This will be measured via their annual performance reviews. Management is responsible for:
demonstrating leadership in setting and achieving it’s OHS goals;
the provision and maintenance of the workplace in a safe condition;
involvement in the development, promotion and implementation of health and safety policies and procedures, and consultation with their staff;
ensuring employees are trained in the safe performance of their assigned tasks;
monitoring factors that may affect employee’s health, safety and welfare; and
promptly and effectively dealing with occupational injury and health issues.
Employees are required to:
perform their work in a safe manner;
ensure by their actions they do not put at risk the health and safety of others;
report all incidents and known or observed hazards to their immediate supervisor or manager; and
Cooperate with management in the implantation of OHS initiatives.
Application of the Policy
This policy is applicable to all Transport Works establishments in all their operations and functions including those situations where employees are required to work off-site.
Policy authorized by: Danyul Gleeson – Managing Director
Date Issued: 26 October 2011